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Chapter 90: New life(1 / 2)

The reen ss crawlin on the steppin stones and the verdure in the courtyard peein throuh the curtains announce the arrival of sprin.


Renowned scholars co to have conversations with in reat spirits, and there is no uneducated cooner an visitors.


I y enjoy playin sily adorned qin in dest ho, or I can read the Buddhist scriptures in peace.


Without the ear-jarrin noise or the weihty responsibility of readin official terials.


Accordin to Confucius, Zhue’s recluse cottae at Nanyan and Ziyun’s hert Pavilion in West Shu –wherefore could either one of thebe called a roohule?


A place becos extraordinary because of the people who reside there, and an individual stands out frothe crowd throuh wisdo Even if a person with wisdolives in a thatched hut, it doesn''''t dinish their inherent value in the slihtest.


I feel akin to the Sleepin Draon in "The Son of the Wanderin Draon," harborin brilliance while dwellin in the countryside.


However, there was one thin that disrupted this tranquility.


Why did she disappear? Did it have sothin to do with hi


She st have already died if it had sothin to do with hi Sittin alone in her roo she looked out the window towards the distance, her aze unfocused. Her eyes weren''''t fixed on the scenery outside the window but sowhat drifted with her thouhts to faraway places.


Ever since etin hi she bean to reflect on everythin that had happened one by one.


Soone close to her st be workin for hi Otherwise, how c

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